Thursday, September 13, 2007

Website, sadistic fashionistas, blind drunk guy driving, brambles and lessons

Thing #1. The new website is more fully operational (like the Death Star), so the music is now playing and it says something cool on the tab on your browser and stuff like and improved. Way to go!

Thing #2. I have a question for you ladies out there. Do you use fashion to punish/humiliate the men in your life? I know there are a few men out there that have a clue what to wear and are all stylish, but most of us just put stuff on and if it doesn't smell or itch, we're down with it. The reason I ask this question involves a lunch I had the other day.

Come with me to Sitar Indian restaurant in Nashville on a hot Saturday afternoon. I'm with two friends of mine and we witnessed two fashion faux pas (it's French...look it up [Lord knows I had to]) that even a fashion moron like myself could spot immediately.

The first was a man who came in---WITH HIS WIFE!!!--who was wearing bright red sports shorts (old sweatpants material) that came just above the knee and were a little tight (but not like biker short or dwight yoakam tight) and a tank top of the exact same hue as the shorts. I wish I could show you the several pictures I discreetly took of this ensemble with my phone, but I don't know how to do that. I don't know much, but I know that this was wrong.

The second was a man who walked up to pay and, as he passed by our table, all three of us just looked at each other...spellbound. Keep in mind that not one of the 3 of us would consider ourselves fashion gurus (only probably one of us even knows what's up in that world...and she's too cool to care), but these things were bordering on offensive! This guy had on jeans and a denim shirt un-tucked, which is fine if it doesn't almost touch the tops of your knees. Again, that wouldn't have drawn our attention either, but the dude was wearing one of those braided leather belts (each strip of leather was a different color) ON THE OUTSIDE OF HIS SHIRT! He also, was with his wife/girlfriend.

We came to the conclusion that these men must have recently done something horrible to these women...something that deserved harsh retribution and swift reprisal. The only thing is, that they weren't aware of the ridicule they were being subjected to. I think these women knew exactly what they were doing when they either:
1. Told their husband/boyfriend he looked fine, or even good, when asked "Does this look OK?"
or, far more sinister,
2. Actually constructed the incongruity themselves...laying out the road to social demise on the freshly made bed, snickering on the inside at the scorn that would silently be heaped upon such a costume's wearer. And trust me, if I noticed, EVERYBODY noticed.

So, ladies, is this something that you do to us? Are you reading this with a knowing smile and a malicious memory of doing just such a thing to a previous (or current) boyfriend or spouse?

Just wondering.

Thing #3. Have had some great shows at some great places recently and, as always, I've met some really super people and made good friends. For all the pain traveling can sometimes be, it's well worth it. You start to realize that this world of ours if filled with a lot of awesome people. Thanks for that.

TALLINN (Reuters) - An Estonian man who was caught driving a car even though he is blind has been at it again, police said on Monday, and this time he faces jail.
Police first arrested the man, 20, a week ago.
"We arrested the same blind man driving his car again on Saturday in the town of Torvandi, near Tartu (in southern Estonia)," said Marge Kohtla, a spokeswoman for Tartu police district.
"He was drunk. There were three people in the car with him giving him instructions."
She said police wanted the court to jail the man for 30 days and confiscate his car.

Honestly, what does it matter if you're drunk if you're blind and driving a car. I hope that's not what he went down for. The funny thing is, did you notice it says he was driving HIS car?!?! He actually OWNS the car. That's pretty funny. Talk about the blind leading the

Thing #5 I was reading/praying the parable of the Sower the other day and I began to look at myself in it. I saw myself getting caught up in the business of life and it starting to choke my life some. I watched as the vines started to lift me off the ground, leaving my helpless to fight against it. So, there I was....suspended in the air, being held up by pointless things that seem important at the time, but have no real eternal value. My immediate reaction was to begin praying that He would untangle me from this mess of vain distraction and allow me to run to the place of good soil or to do something to cultivate that soil myself, but then I felt a change of direction and the verse came to mind, "I have been crucified with Christ, and now I no longer live, but He lives in/through me." I changed my prayer from, "Untangle me" to "You know what, God?...just leave me there to die, so that You can live through me." So many times I want to get my "Old Man" out of situations when God has no interest in helping out the Old Man. He made it so that Old Man will die and be replaced by the One New Man, which is His Son, Jesus Christ. It's funny, there's a song called "New Creation" on the Prologue album that talks about this very thing, and even though I wrote the song, here I find myself needing to be reminded of the message a couple years later!

Thing #6 I've got another house show in Kansas City coming up. Just someone who contacted me and wanted me to come, so here I come! If you want me in your town, just let me know! Those shows are really fun!

Root on the Mountaineers tonight.

charlie dodrill
dodge stratus


perezio said...

First, great title for your blog. It's amazing to think that any woman would resort to being a sadistic fashionista. It would never have entered my mind to do such a thing, but the idea is intriguing...

I really dropped into your web site to see if you'd released anything new since Prologue. Glad to see you have, and I'll definitely be purchasing. Would love to see you in concert.

I met your dad last summer in Columbia. What a wonderful person! God Bless. Joyce

Amy Rachel Peterson said...

Your blog made me laugh out loud. And I'm relieved to find I'm not the only one who gets around to posting about once a month.

Your KC show last night was extremely enjoyable. Thank you for writing from the inside, and letting the outside world reap the benefits. That takes bravery and abandonment!


(oh...fashionistas, perhaps. sadistic, unlikely. Pride's impulse to self-preservation would keep most women from appearing in public as the companion to such a faux pas. If, however, you were to see a married man ALONE in such a getup... well, dust off your theory!)

Sam Peterson said...

Hello! My sister-in-law, Elizabeth Herder, told me about your blog and sent me the link. Now, I come and find another dear sister-in-law already leaving a comment as well. I concur with Amy on the hilarity of your post and only wish that I as well lived in KC so I could have been at the concert. I am married to a man of very particular fashion (brother of said sisters-in-law). He accepts absolutely NO input on his wardrobe from his extremely fashionable wife, and on many an occasion I have had to enter public places with him wearing holey T-shirts (not to be confused with "Holy T-shirts") that clash with his ugly, brown courdoroy pants and faded black sketchers sneakers. How is such a man to be worked upon?! At any rate, I would not place the blame squarely on such men's wives or female companions so much as on their own stubborn arrogance in thinking they know what is fashionable. The only consolation is that my husband does have moments of brilliance when his wardrobe is nothing but dashing and I am once again swept off my feet at sight of him in Banana Republic attire. It does greatly soften the blows of his off-fashion days.
-Dorothy Peterson

P.S. I also like your music. Very inspiring lyrics.

Annie Peterson said...

I am yet another Elizabeth Herder seems like she should get some royalty or something for referring so many. :)
I think any wife would be try her best to be against un-coordinated (in clothing) and ill-fashioned husbands. I think my first thought when I see a man in what I would deem unacceptable attire, my first thought is - "He can't be married." It only makes it so much more distressing when he is. But also, from what I gather from reading my sister-in-law's comment, my brother can be quite stubborn with his wardrobe. The ladies cannot be held accountable, I suppose is the assumption it leaves me with.
I hope I get to hear your music sometimes soon after hearing such rave reviews! =)